Week 13 : Web: [Testing & Evaluation] + Publishing

First session : Web Testing & Evaluation

Testing and evaluation is one of the important part while developing web site. It help you to spot problem and make appropriate changes. 


We need to carry out a test plan which provides a checklist of all the functionality in the program. So that, it helps the testers to testing the web with consistent.

There are three types of problems which are design flaws, content errors and software / system defects.

We also need to carry out several kinds of testing includes functionality testing, layout testing, load testing, link testing and usability testing.


Evaluating websites means determining whether or not they are 'good'. Two types of evaluation which are formative evaluation (need modification & ongoing process) and summative evaluation.

There are several kinds of tools in evaluation. Some of them are observation, interview. survey, focus group, analyse, report, dialogue with users, form, checklist or rubric. 

Second session : Web Publishing

There are two types of web hosting :-

1) Free Web Host

   a) Only file manager

   b) Small storage 

   c) Limited download amount

   d) Too much advertisement


2) Commercial Web Host

Week 12 : Presentation Web Project

During prototype presentation, each group have to present at least 40% of the web project. We are given an evaluation sheet that consist of 3 parts which are Information Design, Interaction Design and Visual Design.

Here are some comments for our group:-

1) Put some simulation to attract students.

2) Too much text. Need to use 'visualization' to represent elements

Thank you so much for all the comments. So after the class end, we sit together among our group members and discuss for a while.

So, it is my responsibility to find appropriate games for simulation and put the tutorial given into the concept of 'visualization'.

Mood : Happy

Week 11 : Web Project Discussion

Almost 1 week, our group member struggling to complete the web project. We had some discussion before the next presentation that will be held on 30th of November 2011. Here are the outcomes of the discussion.

Each group member will present their part as below:-

> Ayuni : Design
> Rajesh : Note 
> Faizah : Tutorial
> Azaref : Quiz

Let's see some pictures taken from the discussion.

Our web project on the screen

With my beloved friend, Ayuni.

Some correction on tutorial

Our photographer, Azaref.

Week 10 : Visual Design

Hello friend. Can you see the sketch of our group web below?. This is our sketch about information design that was designed for Pre School Children. We designed this web based on Behaviorism Theory. How do you think?. For your information the learning strategies that we used are exercise, tutorial, simulation, games and problem solving.

Web Design for Pre School Children.

The presentation was going well. TQ Allah S.W.T. After that Dr. Affandy delivered lectures on Visual Design. I ask Dr. Affandy.

"Do we need to choose 1 design to develop web project?" Faizah.

Dr Affandy " Actually you already include all you the design which are Interaction Design, Information Design and Visual Design on your web. Do you realize that we had discussed the same thing like font types on Interaction Design & Vusial Design". 

I got it. TQ Dr Affandy. 

Some important keyword on Visual Design:-

1. Colors

2. Font or styles

3. Graphic & multimedia

4. Arrangement of colors, fonts or styles also graphics and multimedia into an attractive layout.

Week 8 : Information Design

Assalamualailkum everybody.

Today, I wanna write about 'Information Design'. Information Design is important to make information as effective as possible.

There are five things to think about:-

1) Message

2) Audience

3) Purpose

4) Background

5) Structure

The chosen of strategies or method to deliver content of knowledge  are depends on:-

1) Learning theory

2) Learning strategies

3) Learning style

4) Learning model

Week 7 : Happy Deepavali

On previous class, Dr Affandy explained about interaction design. My friend, Parames and I conducted an interview during class. The aim of our interview is to understand about used need that play important role in web development.

Above are the outcome from the interview. We transform the information and sketch on a piece of paper.

Tq Kak Parames.

Design from Kak Parames's requirement

Week 6 : Interaction Design

Hello friends.

What is interactivity?

Interactivity in a computer products means that the user, not the designer, controls the sequence, the pace, and most importantly, what to look at and what to ignore.

So, The basic elements in Interaction Design are :-

1) Organization

2) Navigation

3) Interactivity

There are some elements of interactivity into the interface of the web included:-

1) Use buttons

2) Clickable icons

3) Interface sequences

4) Drag and drop behaviours

5) Search texts

Week 5 : Web Design Fundamental

Prezi Presentation...

We are the first group presenting the task using Prezi. It's going very well. Let's take a look at our Prezi How is it?

Mengimbangi Persamaan Kimia
Durig lesson, Dr Affandy explained about the purpose of web design. We gain a lot knowledge during lesson. Tq all of you.

Week 4 : Web Development Process & Project Management In Web Design and Production

In Week 4, we learned about Web Development Process & Project Management In Web Design. Before the lecture, Dr Affandy ask to form a group consists of 3 or 4 person for the web project. Let's welcome Ayuni, Azaref, Rajes as my group member. Let's working together. I'm happy for knowing all of you.

There are some group task. All we have to do are find :

1) Learning problem ( from jurnals)
2) Solutions for learning problem.
3) Learning objective.
4) Content of the website.
5) Target group.

After the class finished, we straight away went to the library, searching for the learning problems and divided the task.

That's all for today.

Week 3 : PREZI

On 3rd week, the class had cancelled because Dr Affandy was not around. Dr Affandy asked students to study about PREZI.

What is PREZI? Let's take a look at the video below.

Week 2 : Web 2.0

I came a little bit late on 2nd week class around 4.30 p.m. The class had started with the topic basic concept of website.

Dr Affandy asked students to discuss about advantages and disadvantages of :-

1) Personal web development using web authoring software vs CMS vs blog?

2) Educational web development using web authoring software vs LMS vs blog?

Week 1 : Introduction

My 1st class was going very well. Dr Affandy told to us that at the end of the course, students should be able to :-

1) Identify concepts of developing educational webpage for the use of teaching and learning

2) Apply instructional design models for developing a webpage

3) Learn technologies that relate with a webpage

4) Develop an educational webpage or portal that has teaching and learning materials

5) Conduct an evaluation process of the webpage or portal that has been developed

6) Plan, upload and maintain the webpage in a computer server 

As this subject was enrolled majority by final semester students who had taken all core subjects & 1 elective subject, we need to implement knowledge while developed an educational webpage or portal. The knowledge had been teached in below subjects :-

1) Foudation

2) Authoring system

3) Media Design

4) Visual static

Now, let's move to other topic : ASSIGNMENT 

In order to develop an educational webpage or portal, the most important part is to implement the best learning strategy in your website.The educational webpage must be develop according to research.

So. before developing an educational webpage, Dr Affandy asked students to read 3-5 journals about 'Application of activity in learning strategy'

All journals can be taken from the source below:-

1) Computers & Education (Science Direct)

2) Interacting with Computers

3) Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

4) Educational Technology and Society

5) Australasian of Educational Technology

6) British Journal of Educational Technology